Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Meaningful Learning

I think Technology based rubrics are a neat way to give your students something to look at and to base their work on. By using rubrics students can actually see what a teacher is looking for on assignment. When you give your student access to a rubric you can alleviate some questions students may have on assignment. The student can see what the teacher is looking for presented on the rubric. I would use a rubric in my classroom to set some structure and to give my students something to work off of. I like rubrics because they help me to know what I need to do in order to achieve a certain grade. But sometimes rubrics can be setback for some students. I have been guilty of this. Instead of trying to achieve the maximum amount of points, when I decide to get lazy I look at what areas that give the least points and just do enough to still get by with a B. So sometimes rubrics can allow students to only do so much to get by. Without a rubric students have to do t heir best and wish for the best grade.
Clicker Assessment tools are awesome. I had a chance to use one this summer in class and I thoroughly enjoyed it. We played a game and we used the clicking device to answer questions. If the district I worked for had this device I would definitely put it to use. I think it engages all students and gives them a chance to answer questions without feeling horrible and embarrassed if its wrong. I know as a child if I missed a lot of questions I would never raise my hand. I was the one ducking hoping not to get called on. Mainly in language class because adjectives and verbs were a struggle for me in fourth grade. But this system can help bring those type of students up and help them gain confidence in participating in class.
 The Kidspiration software is just awesome. I love all the features but basically the writing feature. Many young students have a problem with writing and most can’t write, But this system uses pictures to put into a journal to help them express themselves. The school district I work in the students use this and they love it! This too is something I plan on using!!!!!



Saturday, November 20, 2010

Visualizing With Technologies

I think Digital Storytelling would be a wonderful tool used in classrooms. Anytime you can use technology to enhance a students learning I think it is quite useful. Language development is very important and storytelling is a unique tool to use to enhance that.

Using hands on aids or real life problems is a very good way to make math more real to students.  Since Math is in everything we do it makes good sense to use our every day things. You measure time in math, using a clock. What time do you get up. How many hours are in a day. How many hours do you spend on doing something. Then there is food. How many cookies will you eat. How much milk goes into making a recipe. I think by taking real life things and allowing students to recognize math around them is a useful way to make math more real.

            If you are talking about is it possible to learn by TV alone. I think it’s true depending on what is being learned. I can watch a show that sings the ABC’s and learn my alphabet by listening to it constantly. When it comes to more difficult subjects then I do not think that it is possible. But on a more primary level, to me TV is another visual aids. When you think about your visual, kinesthetic, language and musical learners, I think TV shows can provide imaging that teaches these kids.  I mean as a kid I learned by watching sesame street. I even learned how to make crafts by watching Barney. So watching TV alone can sometimes teach you. Now I wouldn’t result to it as it being the only source, because as children age, they need more sources to help enhance their learning.

Jonassen, David H.. Meaningful learning with technology . 3rd ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall, 2008. Print.