Saturday, October 2, 2010

Copyright and Fair Use Policy

In today's society you would want to respect copy rights and fair use rules for many different reasons. One you could get in trouble if you don't and two it's like stealing. And in America we know how we dishonor thieves. But to be honest if I wrote something, and I plan to in the future, I would want people to know to whom it belonged to. I worked in a newspaper office for a year and I wrote articles for the town's paper. I interviewed people and wrote some really interesting stories. I would be very hurt to find that someone used my article without giving me credit for it. So I think these laws are very beneficial and helpful to maintain proper accreditation. 
Safety online? Where? Sometimes I think that even though there is so much "Protection" out there we still aren't fully protected. What about the people who create the protection? They know the kinks and holes. Well when it comes to online safety I think of this. "Protection for the most part until there is a hole."  So is online safety different from cyberbullying? Well online safety is suppose to promote  safe browsing and safety for kids. Cyberbullying is really a way to bully others. We can try to protect our kids by talking to them and explaining to them some things about the sites. You would also want to allow them to upload certain unimportant information about your whereabouts and life. And I just had to mention this, people on Facebook have been known to explain their whereabouts in a message link. This is a bad thing to do when considering safety. So if you say on the link you are at aunt Joan's with just you and your sister, how can you expect a predator not to look up aunt Joan's address, because maybe she has a Facebook too, browse through the information, take down her town and address, drive there, spy to see if someone's around and later kidnap you. We have to be better at keeping ourselves safer. 
The activities that were given this week were very interesting and I always learn things that are new. I enjoyed learning things I didn't know and I frowned upon the fact that I didn't really know some things I should have known. Sadly, I scored in the 60% on the quiz and I really thought I knew more than what my brain had emptied out, but I think if I continue to read and  research I can know a lot more. Thanks to the cheat sheet I'm on my way!


  1. Que,

    I like to learn new things too, especially new technology! :)

    Thanks for the post!


  2. I scored a 60% too. I'm glad I wasn't the only one. We are always learning something knew in this class and I find that fascinating.
