Friday, October 15, 2010

WEb 2.0

As a teacher I would use wikis in my classroom as an extra talking voice. This summer I took a  class, and my partner and I created a wiki to sing a song called “If you’re a foot long and you know it,” We recorded three stanzas and did the motions. I would use this in my classroom to get the students engaged in an activity with singing and chanting. I would also add blogs. Although I want to teach grades pre-k-1, if I had older kids I would post upcoming spelling words on the blog and have the word of the week where students would have to look up the word see what it means and submit it with a picture. Then with all my entries I would put those students in a drawing to win something cool each week!
      I think social bookmarking is a great way to save your sites! It is organized and it opens up the floor for more teachers to give you more sites and for you to give them more sites as well! It would be very useful for students and teachers because it gives more options and ideas for teaching a subject. More ideas are available and you can easily share amongst peers and teacher peers your information and findings. As far as a voice thread I really don’t think I would want to create one because its easier to just blog and type what I wanted people to know rather than vocalize it.
      I have not really explored tapped in but from research I think that it could possibly be useful for teachers. It would be great to share experiences, learning information and sources to create a better educational community!

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